Applying the 4 Pillar Framework of a Culture of Health at Work: ‘The Right Thing To Do’.
What does a ‘culture of wellbeing’ mean to you? Often these kinds of descriptions can sound like empty catch-phrases that grab headlines, but do little to shift reality in a positive way. And there’s a good reason to be skeptical. It’s not unusual for trends to float through the corporate vernacular, floating buzz words that barely make a scratch on the surface of very important, sometimes life-altering, experiences at work.
This is why we need to apply prudence and awareness when considering how and why to implement a culture of wellbeing at work. Because it is not only the right thing to do, it actually makes business sense too.
In the dynamic landscape of workplaces today, creating and embedding a culture of wellbeing goes far beyond a box ticking approach. And yet, if you’re trying to handle it all in-house, you’re likely to end up with just that. And look, it’s nice. It’s great that you’re even considering looking after the health of your staff. Kudos to you.
But are you approaching wellbeing from all angles? Are your programs having a real impact? Can you do more to create a culture of wellbeing at work?
This article explores the essence of culture of wellbeing, its transformative power, and how businesses can embrace self-awareness and mindfulness while addressing the 4 Pillars of a Culture of Health, to enhance employee wellbeing and improve the productivity and reputation of the business.
Unpacking a Culture of Health and Wellbeing at Work - what does it all mean?
Imagine a workplace where leaders are not just managers but compassionate guides. Where employees are not just cogs in a machine but valued individuals with unique needs. How often have you come across this yourself? It is rare, and yet it is the future. As younger generations move into their careers, it is becoming clearer that the landscape of work is shifting, alongside with their unique values.
A culture of health and wellbeing encompasses all aspects of health and wellness, from safety to communication and everything in between. A healthy workplace is an ecosystem that thrives on self-awareness, compassion, and solutions that nurture the holistic health of each team member and beyond.
Leading with compassion sits at the heart of a culture of health and wellbeing. A leader who can find empathy and a deep drive to improve the lives of others is going to ensure they create a culture of wellbeing. Employees are increasingly seeking to work in environments like this. Where they are humans first, and employees second.
The Business Case For Wellbeing
Is there a business case for fostering a mindful culture of health and wellbeing at work?
Why should businesses make wellbeing a cornerstone of their culture?
Beyond the feel-good aspect of yoga classes and free fruit smoothies, there's actually a very strong business case for focussing on health and wellbeing at work.
Here are just a few ways creating a culture of wellbeing can improve the business bottom line:
Enhanced Productivity:
Mindful employees are more engaged. According to Arumugam, et al (2020), mindfulness training can “benefit organisations in terms of losses incurred due to absenteeism, productivity and presenteeism”.
Physically active workers are healthier and more productive. A systematic review of 16 randomised controlled trials found that “all types of WPPAs analyzed improved workers’ productivity and health”, where WPPA stands for worksite programs based on physical activity (Colino, E., et al, 2023). Healthy and emotionally balanced employees bring their best selves to work, resulting in better outcomes for both individuals and the organisation.Cost Savings:
Disengaged employees cost U.S. companies USD$550 million a year (Beheshti, N. 2019). A culture of wellbeing reduces both absenteeism and presenteeism by creating psychologically safe environments, where employees are connected to their purpose and their work community.Talent Attraction and Retention:
Approximately 63% of job seekers were most attracted to companies with “greater work-life balance and better personal wellbeing” (Gallup, 2022). Companies that invest in wellbeing programs are more likely to attract the kind of staff who are happy to be there.Improved Mental Health:
In Australia, mental health conditions accounted for 30.8 weeks of time lost per claim per year in 2022. The majority of these were connected to anxiety and stress (Safework Australia, 2023). A mindful culture can help mitigate this burden by promoting mental health awareness and training, as well as education on all aspects of mental health.
The Four Pillars of Health.
To create a culture of health and wellbeing at work, we must consider much more than wellness programs. To truly create a culture of health at work, and improve business outcomes, we can apply the Four Pillars of Health framework created by Professor John Quelch of Harvard Business School.
The 4 Pillars are:
Community Health: Health and safety initiatives in the location of doing business.
Environmental Health: The impact a company’s operations has on the environment.
Consumer Health: How healthful a company’s product or service is.
Employee Health: How a business looks after its employees.
The connection of people, planet, and product is where a business can see real shifts in outcomes, both for the bottom line, as well as its contribution to a better world.
“ The connection of people, planet, and product is where a business can see real shifts in outcomes, both for the bottom line, as well as its contribution to a better world.”
I’ll be unpacking the 4 Pillar Framework in a later article, but I’ll leave you with this question:
While aspects of these pillars already exist in your business, how complete and interconnected are they?
Turning the Lens To Self-Awareness
For organisations with a culture that doesn't inherently support wellbeing, change starts with self-awareness in leadership. Leaders must assess their own strengths and areas for growth, fostering a culture of openness and vulnerability. They need to turns the lens back on themselves and ask the hard questions, being prepared to change things that are no longer working.
Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and emotional intelligence training, can contribute to self-awareness in a profound way. By mastering these skills, leaders can navigate difficult conversations, consider what areas of health and wellbeing can be improved, and create an environment where every voice is valued.
Moving Forward
Mindfully fostering a culture of health and wellbeing is a transformative journey for both employees and organisations. By embracing self-awareness and applying the 4 Pillar Framework of Health, businesses can create a thriving ecosystem where employee health can thrive. Not just because it makes business sense, but because it is the right thing to do.
How can Sunrise Well help?
As a wellbeing specialist, I work with businesses to make their teams happier and healthier through coaching, workshops, and strategic program design. I consult on all aspects of your health and wellbeing approaches, providing guidance and a sounding board for company plans. I also assist with program design and implementation. If you'd like help with your workplace wellbeing program, or you'd like to chat through your plans for 2024, get in touch and we'll set up a chat.
[1] Arumugam, T., Kaur, D., Khan, S., Singh, J., Singh, K. (2020) Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3.
[2] Colino, E., Felipe, J. L., Garcia-Unanue, J., Lopez-Fernanez, J., Marin-Farrona, M., Thosar, S.S., Wipfli,
B., (2023) “Effectiveness of worksite wellness programs based on physical activity to improve workers’ health and productivity: a systematic review”, Syst Review Vol. 12, No. 87., []
[2] Beheshti, N., (2019) "10 Timely Statistics About the Connection Between Employee Engagement and Wellness", Forbes, Jan 16 2019.
[3] Gallup, 2023, “Employee Retention and Attraction”, Gallup, [].
[4] Safe Work Australia, (2023) "Key work health and safety statistics Australia 2022", [].